Overview: The client utilized DAX as a lower funnel channel with the key KPI of driving app downloads at the most efficient CPA. To achieve the desired outcome, the campaign maximized reach across the DAX streaming network, activating within both music and radio streaming environments. Both demographic and income status data points were leveraged to maximize reach against the target audience.

Challenge: Boost downloads for a financial advice app.

Target Audience: Age 18-44, Income over $50,000

Campaign Duration: 3 months


  • Music streaming
  • Radio streaming

Measurement Partner: Claritas

Campaign Highlights:

  • 162,000 app downloads delivered across targeted audio channels.

Key Results:

  • DAX drove over 160k app downloads for the client. When considering the brand was new to market and has inherently low levels of brand awareness this was a hugely successful result.
  • Thanks to the efficient CPMs DAX offers, this resulted in a leading CPA and repeat activity from the client.
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